Spray and Rinse Filter Cleaner



Prevent and treat specific water problems with E-Z Clor® Supplements. The perfect complement to your pool care regimen, E-Z Clor® offers a variety of cleaners, clarifiers, and stain removers.

This easy to use spray-on and hose-off filter cleaner removes dirt, scale, oils and more.

For use with cartridge and DE Filters
No soaking required

*Spray nozzle not pictured



Prevent and treat specific water problems with E-Z Clor® Supplements. The perfect complement to your pool care regimen, E-Z Clor® offers a variety of cleaners, clarifiers, and stain removers.

This easy to use spray-on and hose-off filter cleaner removes dirt, scale, oils and more.

For use with cartridge and DE Filters
No soaking required